Return Policy | Furniture Ideal Furniture Ideal | Help Center

Return Policy


We want you to feel like every item is the perfect match for your home. If it’s not the right fit, we’ll help you get it sorted and have you on your way.

You can return most items for a refund or store credit within 30 days of delivery. Return shipping costs apply, and the item must be in its original condition and packaging to be accepted.

There are a few items that can’t be returned:

  • Clearance items
  • Custom designs
  • Personalized items
  • Items you have already assembled

However, if your item is damaged or defective, these exceptions do not apply. In this case, we’ll take care of it and work with you to find the best solution.

To start a return, visit us or Call our Customer Services number 01009464679 or send email to

Refund Options

You can choose to receive store credit for your return, or have the original payment method refunded. Any associated return shipping costs will be deducted from the refund amount.

Modified Return Policies

Our return policy is slightly different for some products and special-occasion purchases:

Large Appliance and Above ground pool Return Policy

You can return a large appliance within 30 days of delivery as long as it has not yet been installed and is returned in the original packaging. In rare cases, you might have to pay the manufacturer’s restocking fee.

Before installing the appliance or above ground pool, please double check the following when it arrives:

1) Scan the box for damage.

2) Make sure the product name and model number match your order confirmation.

3) Remove the packaging and inspect the appliance or above ground pool.

If you receive the wrong item or it arrives damaged, don’t accept the delivery. Tell your delivery representative(s) and contact us so we can arrange for a replacement. Once you have installed the appliance or above ground pool, it cannot be returned.

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